Shadow boards custom made
Are your tools never in their place? Do you lose precious time while searching for tools? Are tools never in their place? Is work not done because tools are not available?
Then VSI Shadow Boards are the solution.
VSI-Shadow Board help to:
- Keep workplaces neat and tidy
- Optimise work processes
- Reduce ineffective work
- Cut down lead time
- Reduce production costs
- Improve quality
Because of our production experience we can advise on how to:
- Lay out tools the best way possible
- Apply texts
- Choose the right materials
- Take measurements to ensure a perfect fit
- Choose the right custom made grip
Production process
Your VSI Shadow Board is produced in three steps
1. Scanning
2. Programming
3. Producing
Further information and an oversight over our range, can be found on
Shadow Boards are ideal for loose parts. All parts needed, can be checked in one glance.
All parts of an assembly kit can be checked visually. This prevents unintentional mistakes (Poka Yoke).
Shadow Boards safeguard your precious and calibrated tools