Emergency lighting
Emergency lighting is automatically switched on in the event of a power cut. The emergency lights are connected to mains power, they can run on batteries and can be connected to an auxiliary power unit.
By installing emergency lighting you make sure that people will be able to find a way out in case of an emergency. Especially in case of fire with thick smoke, it is of the utmost importance the people can find the emergency exits.
We offer the following emergency lighting:
DL 200 series
Applicable everywhere and energy saving. Available with the following suspension systems:
- Flat wall mounting
- Perpendicular wall mounting
- Direct ceiling mounting
- Build in ceiling mounting
DL 401
The Escalight DL 401 LED emergency lighting is an all-in-one torch, motion detector and night light.
DL 767
Suitable for assembly as well as suspended mounting. Body and protection cover are made of polycarbonate and are available in white. Emergency lighting have a standard test button and a LED indicator light to check operation.
DL 820
This emergency lighting has an 8 Watt fluorescent lamp, that has a burn time of approximately 3 hours. The armature is easy to mount into almost every ceiling system because of the supplied brackets.
DL 865
For indoor and outdoor application. Geschikt voor gebruik binnen en buiten. This emergency lighting has an 8 Watt lamp, that has a burn time of approximately 3 hours.
DL 958
DL 958 is a build in convertor that converses standard lighting to emergency lighting. biedt de mogelijkheid om een standaard verlichtingsarmatuur om te bouwen tot noodverlichting.